About Me

Son. Husband. Father. Trained keeper of pets. A corporate raconteur...
As a first born, number one son, I come with my own sense of getting it right. Not letting that guard down or totally throwing that guard out the window when the wine is right.
For instance; red wine at a cocktail reception or when you see it in large bottles with screw tops… skip it and drink the white.
There are too many expectations to be found in a glass of red (only some expectations in a glass of white) so drink the white if you are at a wedding or a hotel lobby bar!
As my wife often says, "everyone’s going to have a good time.” Final answer. She says this part out of witnessing my mood and part out of nothing-is-going-to-happen-here-that-would-prevent-or-stand-in-the-way-of-a-good-time.
About me? OK! Son. Brother. Husband. Father. Trained keeper of pets. Home owner. Sixteen years (by my best calculation) as an actor, commercial copy writer, radio personality, commercial producer for radio and TV, voiceover, (traffic news, weather, sports on the 8’s), TV production, extra crew and then a corporate raconteur.
Whenever I see other resumes marketing their talent it comes with (echo chamber) 20 years of experience… Honestly my focus and concentration is not that long don’t know how they did that or why!
Then there were my other sixteen years in sales marketing and corporate America where I hit home runs and there were a couple of strikeouts. Yet, the home runs stand out and I have to think really hard (doing that now) about the strikeouts - which does not mean that everyone was not having a good time - but less of a time than in the home run stretches!
Back to my wife (“everyone… good time”) keeping an eye on me at the lobby bar - to make sure I order her an ice tea as she watches me editorialize “No, I have too many expectations for a glass of red (and my life as a first born) - let me have the white.” A tolerable caveat while having a good time.